Cool Stuff I Learned This Week
Here is a round up of some cool things I’ve discovered this week. I hope that you find them useful and interesting too!
Spontaneous Urban Gatherings: From Subway Parties to Pillow Fights. This new wave could spark something wonderful. Does it give you any fun ideas? Web Urbanist always has some very interesting stories about cities around the world with amazing pictures. Check out Web Urbanist home page too for some more gems. (Image from Web Urbanist)
How to Complete Your First Book with these 9 Simple Writing Habits by Leo Babauta at Dumb Little Man
Thinking of starting a web based business? Read this first: Learn From an Adsense Millionaire: Notes on Markus Frind and by Maki of DoshDosh.
Massive Personal Finance Resource List by Brett McKay of The Frugal Law Student
Living . You know what? I just can’t pick one from this blog. There are so many good ones. I learn and am reminded of useful things here every week. Check out Leo’s superbly useful articles!
Kindness from Be Inspired Every Day blog. Kindness always makes sense. This article will make you feel good because it helps you release negativity.
Did You Buy an iPhone? If so check out 4 ways to get your money back and 200 reasons to love american express – an article by social media maven MSaleem.
Sudden Hard Drive Crash. Lorie Morero’s (happy ending) story of a hard drive crash. Are you ready if your hard drive crashes?
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Cool Stuff I Learned This Week is a post from: Life Learning Today